About Us-
If you’re a tax pro, you’re one of the most helpful people on the planet.
You’re the person clients to talk to whenever something big happens:
- They get married or divorced
- Buy a house or win the lotto
- Have a baby or lose someone they care about
You are always there to help and your clients trust you.
But running a profitable tax & accounting firm is getting harder as time goes on.
- The media says robots will take over your jobs (wrong).
- Every year tax law changes & reverts (during the busiest time of the year).
- The IRS wants you to be the scapegoat for their shortfalls (‘nuff said).
- And clients need help answering questions that are more complex than ever (facts).
A renovation that creates a smarter, easier, more profitable way to do things.
14 years ago we created the frameworks the SmartPath Engage Software.
We saw a repeatable pattern for how any firm can do it. So we built a solution
By using SmartPath Engage, you can price clients right, with 99% of the work already done. This saves you time and effort, so that you can get back to helping the clients you care about.
We built Engage software exclusively for you. We hope you give it a try.

Will Hamilton
Founder, SmartPath.co
Get started for free. No credit card required.